The human body has more than 300 joints: from the largest joint - the hip and shoulder, to the smallest - the finger and toe joint. And each of them is important and necessary for health and a fulfilling life. Aching and unreasonable, at first glance, aching joints in the legs and arms can indicate a serious disorder in the body, circulatory and metabolic problems. Therefore, contacting a rheumatologist at the first signs of pain in the joints will be the right and timely decision. After all, chiropractic with the idea that the body is a complex interconnected system of bones, joints, muscles and internal organs helps to make the most rational claims about joint and physical diseases. shown to be highly effective in treatment.
Hands are numb and painful. Causes and diseases
Hand pain and numbness are often caused by dysfunction (impairment) of the cardiovascular system. In addition, the cause may be due to cervical spine diseases, the hand nerve is pinched. In cardiac disease, numbness of the left hand is often noted, beginning with a slight decrease in sensitivity of the little and ring fingers and gradually spreading along the extremities to the forearm, affecting mainly the inner part.
Pain in the joints of both hands, accompanied by numbness of the thumb and index finger - and sometimes also the middle finger, indicates violations of the cervical spine, possibly nerve compression, disc displacement or mainvertebrae.
Numbness in the fingertips most likely indicates a lack of vitamins A and B. This symptom manifests itself most clearly in late winter and early spring, when the body is as exhausted as possible.
At age 45 or older, numbness, to the point of being completely unable to move the hand, even after minor effects on the joint (sewing, knitting, keyboard work) could be a sign of a condition called spondylolisthesis. atherosclerosis of the hands, as well as lesions. to the elbow and shoulder joints.
Many age-related diseases and previous trauma manifest as pain in the joints of the hands. It may not heal at a long time, bruises and cracks of the pelvis and pubic bone of the hand go untreated. The consequences of such an inattentive approach threaten partial or complete loss of mobility. Furthermore, diagnosing fractures and fractures is fairly straightforward - both with the use of X-rays and when visiting an osteopathic physician. The latter can also help with the consequences of such injuries, eliminating possible displacement of bones and damage to blood vessels and compression of nerve endings that cause pain.
Occupational diseases of hand joints
Pain in the joints of the hands can be caused by frequent overexertion, monotonous exercise, and bad external impact on the joints. Most such exposure injuries and illnesses can be classified as occupational.
Therefore, the joints of the hand usually suffer from the following types:
- People who spend a lot of time at the computer. In right-handed people, the right hand is more often affected, in left-handed people, left-handed. Due to the constant presence of the hand in the same position - in a computer mouse - swelling of the ligaments (tendons) and adjacent nerves occurs. Over time, increasing pain in the wrist can lead to numbness and even complete inability to move the hand. This disease is called - "Tunnel Syndrome";
- Pregnant women. The "tunnel syndrome" also manifests itself in them, becoming most pronounced after 3-4 months of pregnancy. Often, hand joint pain is preceded by swelling, which is characteristic of late pregnancy. They, combined with increasing body weight, lead to carpal nerve encroachment. Pain can manifest in varying degrees, from mild joint discomfort to complete numbness in the hand. Usually, after childbirth, the function of the joints is restored;
- Pianist, tailor, laundromat, cleaner. Due to constant stress, falls mainly on the tendon muscles responsible for the operation of the thumb, hand pain is localized in this area. Diagnosing the disease at an early stage makes it easy to deal with it. The main thing is to contact an osteopathic physician before the formation of scar tissue begins to change. This is often preceded by severe pain, inflammation and swelling in the joints;
- Crane operators, carpenters, builders work with jack tools. The so-called Kienböck disease (avascular necrosis of the wrist bones) develops as a result of severe trauma or frequent trauma of the hand joints. This disease is caused by a violation of blood circulation in the wrist region, as a result of which severe pains develop in the joints of the hands, which then begin to change and destroy bone tissue. Usually, the joints of the hands are the workers to suffer.
Other causes of hand joint pain
Pain in the joints of the hands can be localized not only in the hand area. The shoulder and elbow joints are often affected equally. Often, their damage is caused by trauma to the hands and spine, as well as disease and age-related changes, which lead to thinning of cartilage tissue in the joints. In each case, the treatment can be different - depending on the complexity and severity of the disease. Only an experienced chiropractor can diagnose the reason for hand pain, joint crackling, and other disorders of hand mobility.
Osteopathy treatment for hand joint pain
The joints of the hands are not always painful because the joints themselves are damaged. In contrast, the cause of the disease is often quite far from the hand. That's why treatment can only be effective if it's aimed at eliminating the underlying cause. This is the method practiced by chiropractors. At the same time, complex methods show great effectiveness in the case of hand pain, when manual techniques are combined with moderate physical activity, along with which the patient's nutrition is adjusted. and affect the origin of the disease.
Treatment of the first episode of pain in the arm joints. This makes the patient's body more responsive to the effects of chiropractic and allows him to completely relax during the session. Since training sessions are performed with a fairly long rest period (1-2 weeks) needed for the body to recover and adapt to the changes introduced by the osteopathic physician to its performance, it is advisable to immobilize the joint ata fixed position during this period. . For this, various splints, corsets, support bandages, etc. can be used. v.
Once the pain in the arm joint is gone, the chiropractor begins to relieve muscle spasms and remove blocks that interfere with normal blood circulation in the areas near the joint and throughout the body. Restoring blood supply in the affected area improves tissue nutrition, as a result the pain does not return and the joints themselves begin to gradually recover.
In the recovery phase, proper nutrition is very important, helping the body and damaged areas receive all the necessary trace elements, vitamins and nutrients. Thanks to the gradual renewal and restoration of tissues, the joints of the hands lose mobility, the pain disappears not only, but also numbness and discomfort.
To maintain the improved condition of the hand, the joint must be gradually loaded to reinforce the positive tendencies and strengthen the muscles of the hand. Physiotherapy procedures and physiotherapeutic exercises should be performed under the strict supervision of a specialist and standardized. If the pain returns to the knuckles, reduce the load.
Along with hand treatment, the root causes of the disease are affected - the spine, the neck area, the internal organs. Osteopathic techniques aimed at improving the blood supply and metabolism in the body as a whole, of course, have a positive effect on the work of all its systems. The benefit of turning to an osteopathic physician in this case is that while treating the pain in the hand, he also relieves the other deeper disorders that have become the root cause of this pain.
Pain in the hand joint is not always violated in the wrist region, so traditional treatment with symptomatic treatments may not be effective. While a chiropractor, who looks at the problem more broadly, can help in just a few sessions.